It seems like everybody is blogging. I guess I get it- it's "communicating" without really risking actually communicating with people. You can say things that you may not ordinarily say to a person's face and be free of all judgment- theoretically. I mean if someone comments something you don't particularly like- the delete button is truly a wondrous thing.
So in the spirit of saying things that probably no one at all finds interesting, I am considering the fact that I am getting old and need to stop dressing like a college kid. I turned 30 this year. I don't feel that bad about it but I feel like my 30's are a time for changin'.
First, I must start dressing more like a lady or at least a spunky lady. Hello, Francoise Hardy, Faye Dunaway's Bonnie and Diane Keaton's Annie Hall and well the best lady ever to grace the earth- Coco Chanel. No one would think any of those ladies look like a Filipino prostitute (long story that I will eventually explain at some point, it involves a fun trip to Abu Dhabi and the realization that I should have reconsidered my wardrobe while there). Second, I need to develop an exercise routine and to stop making excuses not to exercise. I want to age gracefully and not look 50 by the time I am 35.
Third, I want to eat better for the same reasons listed above.
Well that is all on my mind right now, oh wait one more thing- I think cable television is turning my brain into gruel. A Masters+Bachelors degrees do not mean you are immune to it's evil allure. Cable, you evil temptress!
Oh oops except for the glory that is on cable known as Mad Men- that show makes me beyond happy except now thanks to Comcast I have to go get a box and pay extra every month. Ugh.